Saturday, 3 October 2020

So, I'm officially a published fiction writer (in Swedish)


Not new to publishing books, or chapters in books, in my professional academic role, it nevertheless gives me immense pleasure to announce my official debute as a published fiction writer.

Just as with my activity in music, this is an artistic expression I have been engaging with since my youth, on and off. The last ten years, I have returned to it with more concentration, and found a form I feel works well in the genre of short stories and novellas (or long short stories). 

Last year, I submitted one short story entitled "Memoir" (that's "Memoar" in Swedish) to a competition organised by the publishing house Joelsgårdens Förlag, on the vague theme of It wasn't me, and was lucky to be selected among the approxiamately forty entries included in an anthology volume entitled so, but in Swedish: Det var inte jag.

Naturally, the language of my fiction writing is Swedish, and so is that of all stories in this collection. If you happen to read Swedish and is interested in checking out this text, as well as other samples of my fiction writing currently in preparation for a forthcoming collection (as well as my musical activity), you can do so via my Swedish web page for literature and music
